Sunday, April 03, 2011

And now. Home.

Lyall Bay Beach
was perfect this morning . . .
except for you.

Seagulls, squat little fat men with their heads tucked into their coats coz its Welly.

Seaweed sealions askance and spreadeagled,
paused in Martha Graham postures with the music stop.

Surfers, soles of their feet in salute to the sun.

The breakers rolling in perfectly striated terraces.

My soul begins to drink the swell.

The ferry happened by a little later . . . and the paddle boarder too.

And yeah, all that was missing was you.


Sheila said...

For some reason, after a very long time, I decided to check in here today. I'm glad to see that you're home :)

Unknown said...

That's beautiful Jenna. You have such a wonderful way with words :-)