Sunday, January 22, 2006

Hippy Stuff

The colour purple. (without Oprah)
Where I work there is an awful lot of the colour purple. In that statement IW would stress the word awful. For us, purple has become synonymous with the concept of hippyness. IW takes much delight in teasing me about the many shades of lilac I am currently exploring.

For me, yoga has become a microcosm of life. The more i try to understand living in my body the more i understand living in the world. Which says not that I have answers for many of life's questions, rather that now I have more questions following on from what understandings I have gleaned.

Creating a sense of space in the body (flexibility, freedom, looseness) creates a sense of space in life (room, time, possibility). As freeing up the body allows it to move in new ways or ways that are now comfortable where they have not been before, conceptually creating this feeling simultaneously means room to see how we behave removed from the immediacy of our own behaviour. Seeing ourself in this new (perhaps truer, perhaps not) way gives us choice. In seeing our forthcoming action/response as a choice rather than from the safe veil of hindsight we can truly decide. Preempting in this way allows the choice to respond in new ways, to explore alternatives and to move away from old patterns that have and are limiting us.

1 comment:

Tom&Ann said...

Space/Time and the energies involved -of which the body is the finest concentration- are a malleable concept, best sculpted by yoga! Think of yourself as a tighly knotted ball of bright blue energy threads. Wisps reaching into the infinite thick blackness matter of space/time, like roots springing from fingers, eyes, ears, tongue and nose. Looking for life nutrients - beautiful complexity of other beings, almost symmetric harmony of living things in Nature, or just the perfection of emptiness. The think of yoga as the way to spread those threads, unknot them, reach further and weave them into beautiful, meaningful patterns, inspiring other beings around you, propagating the law and order of life.